Setup Continuous Deployment Pipeline For AWS Elastic BeanstalkIn Part 1: Deploy the application to AWS EB using Docker platform, we already covered the steps to deploy the dockerized application…Dec 14, 20231Dec 14, 20231
Deploy Dockerized Application To AWS Elastic BeanstalkIn this tutorial, I will provide a step-by-step walkthrough on deploying a dockerized application (NestJS API + PostgreSQL database) to AWS…Nov 1, 20234Nov 1, 20234
[CopyCoder] Rails CI/CD With GitHub ActionsTypically, we have two workflows: Test & Deploy.Nov 30, 20221Nov 30, 20221
[CopyCoder] Running NestJS Test With GitHub ActionsOur configuration trigger CI when you have a pull request or push directly to the main or develop branches. The CI will run these jobs:Nov 29, 2022Nov 29, 2022
GitLab CI/CD Setup For Ruby On Rails ProjectMy .gitlab-ci.yml for Ruby On Rails project:Jun 29, 2022Jun 29, 2022
Create REST API with Ruby On Rails (Part 2)We already completed building a simple REST API in Part 1. In this part, we will implement JSONAPI Render Module, which makes the process…Jun 24, 2022Jun 24, 2022
Setup ESLint & Prettier For Javascript Code In Ruby On Rails ProjectThis guide helps you to set up ESLint & Prettier for Javascript code in Ruby On Rails (≥ v5.0) project— Which has NodeJS + Webpack inside.May 24, 2022May 24, 2022
CircleCI Setup For Ruby On Rails ProjectThis is the ultimate guide for your next Ruby on Rails project setup on Github with CircleCI for continuous integration.May 20, 2022May 20, 2022